Sometimes you want to see whether a certain process works in practice. Whether a certain technique is suitable for what you have in mind. Or what a certain end product might look like. Then a demonstrator is the ideal solution.
A demonstrator can make something tangible, show several possible alternatives or simply serve to convince someone of what is possible.
A demonstrator can be an example of a finished product, but also just an example of what is possible with a certain technology. A demonstrator mainly ensures that you have something tangible to show.
A demonstrator can show that the concept you had in mind works effectively. That what you have come up with turns out to work in practice.
A demonstrator can show what is possible with a (lesser known) technology, such as laser for example. The demonstrator can thus serve as a means of persuasion.
A demonstrator can show which materials are or are not suitable for use in the production process.
Let's get to know each other. Virtually or face-to-face. Without obligations. Who knows, we may be the partner to make that demonstrator for you.
Demonstrators are an ideal means to make a certain concept tangible, to confirm a choice of technology or material or simply to convince someone of the business case you have in mind.
A picture is worth more than a 1,000 words? Well, a demonstrator says more than a 1,000 images. It is often the ideal step between concept and design or production.
We have a lot of experience in making demonstrators: both for end products and to provide proof that a certain approach or material is suitable.
Customised solutions: A specific engineer for a specific project or timeframe? A tailor-made solution from our own engineering center? Engineering consultancy or advice? Everything is possible.
Extensive expertise: How about 60+ engineers, all with their own knowledge and experience? This collected expertise is completely at your disposal.
Maximum service: Our motto is simple: "there is no traffic jam along the extra mile". We do everything possible to provide you with the best solution for your challenge.
Laser technology: We have the largest independent laser lab in Europe.
People-oriented and sustainable: A high-tech engineering company that still puts employees, customers and partners first? Check. Sustainability? We put our money where our mouth is.
We'll do our best to provide an answer for your specific question.
Work for Absolem? We'd love to meet you. Introduce yourself in an e-mail: